Thursday, April 29, 2010

Intro "The Mo Show" coming soon

Month 6. Six months I have been free, with the creative freedom to do whatever I want. And 6 months seems like a long time, and you realize, WOW - Life does really get in the way, well that doesnt sound so right. Life HAPPENS. And Life happened for me, with a lot more time alot more can happen. But everything that has happened has contributed to a much more versatile experience. Sitting at a desk answering phones, and organizing someone's schedule isnt exactly exciting. Perhaps maybe if the company you worked for were exciting, (which in the beginning it was) but it changed. And for most who know me, the only reason I ever worked at such a place, was to get my music career going. But Life happened. And 5 years later, I woke up and realized I had to leave to better myself, and follow my dreams.

Now, many have heard me sing this tune before, so I'm not gonna talk anymore about my past, at least in this post. That was just a prelude for newcomers! 6 months, has done alot for me, I've lost some contacts, and reconnected with some. I've hustled, recorded, written, studied, traveled - but a few things I have NOT done is party and bullshit. (I lie I have bull shit). I loved my old job, I loved the company. I learned SOOO much there. I had a front row seat to how it ALL happened. I've seen how people became famous. I've seen all the stereotypical myths about the entertainment industry prove to be true.. "It's not what you know, but you WHO you know", "Money can buy you fame", best believe me it DOES exists. And dont get me wrong, true talent does shine through, occasionally. But true talent does WAY better when they have a team, and that talent cant just rely on their label to make them famous. That talent must also be business savvy themselves, and invest in them self even before their label does.

So for the past 6 months, I've been thinking about everything I've learned and how I'll apply it to my own career. Music that is (I have many ambitions). And I examined myself, my ethics, and my life. I've always known that I'm brutally honest - and sometimes honesty has been a curse and a blessing. Honesty, is what led me to believe that on a business level I hated the music industry but on the creative side, its my LIFE, my RELEASE, its everything I breathe as far as I know, as far my dreams go. I've made WAY to many sacrifices for my music, so I wont let it go WITHOUT a fight. And since honesty has gotten me where I am right now in life, my proposal to is show people how I'm gonna do this damn thing. My challenge is document on video EVERYTHING that will happen behind the scene with the launch of my new Video Blog "The Mo Show". Raw, Uncut, uncensored, honest.. I want to show the studio footage, writing process, editing and mixing, getting critiques and praises, shows and performances, meetings (as they come). That's the honest truth :-) Please stay tuned as i record and post my weekly progress through my video blog. It all ends when I get that FIRST spin on the radio. In my head it sounds easy, but in this industry, I know there'll be many interesting obstacles that I'm sure you'd love to see ;-) you never know..

Questions are welcome, haters not really although I know they'll come lol, and I'll do my best to respond on camera...
Stay tuned for the first installment of "The Mo Show" My journey to fame, up next week
